elhara's Profile

From: Toronto, Ont Canada

Joined: April 30th, 2010

About me: It's only been in the past 5 years that I have been able to broaden my cooking knowledge and skills. As a mom, there just wasn't much extra time to spend in the kitchen when my 4 little ones needed me. With so much information now available I've found myself much more adventurous and confident. I love to make meals using new recipes and especially ones where I have to play detective to find ingredients. I'm actually pretty good at knowing whether a recipe will be appreciated. Thankfully, my family knows that I will use them as testers and they don't mind at all (lucky me!).

Favorite cookbook: my own collection

Favorite recipe: spinach salad

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book reviews (2)
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elhara's Bookshelf

3 book(s). Click the title of a book to start adding your recipe and book reviews.

TitleTagsRatings & Reviews

Whole Foods for the Whole Family Cookbook

By Roberta Johnson
La Leche League Intl - 1993

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

12,167 Kitchen and Cooking Secrets: Everyday Tips, Hints, Techniques and More

By Susan Sampson
Robert Rose - 2009

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 3 my recipe reviews 0 book review