bhnyc's Reviews

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Food Network
(November, 2010)


28th November 2010 (edited: 28th November 2010)

Turkey Dumpling Stew : page 95

This was a great way to use up leftovers from Thanksgiving. I was pretty excited to make this since I usually throw away the carcass and am not so into leftovers. I have to say, though, it took a lot more time to prep than the recipe indicates. In fact, I kept saying that it had better taste good because I felt like it was taking as much time to make this dish as it did to make the original meal. But- that said- it was really good and if you are trying to be economical then this would be the meal to cook. It makes a lot and is pretty inexpensive.

The only changes I made were adding garlic and whole peppercorns to the turkey stock. I even had some extra stock which I froze for future use. Here's the link:

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