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Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love

Spicy African Peanut Slow Cooker Soup

Page 75

Cuisine: African | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)

Tags: easy soup chickpeas

Recipe Review

25th October 2011

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

This was an excellent, thick and hearty soup. It has great flavours, not spicy, and served with some biscuits made a filling meal. After two hours in my slow cooker the soup was not cooking so I dumped it in a pot and let it simmer for half and hour and it was just fine.

(3) useful  


Jayme - 26th October 2011
Did you win this from FirstReads? I tried to get it, but that's awesome if you won it!


Leeka - 28th October 2011
No, I borrowed it from the library. This is the first recipe I've tried but the rest look pretty good too. I look forward to trying a few more before it goes back. This is definitely going on my Christmas wishlist. The food is not complicated and there are lots of great photos.


Jayme - 28th October 2011
Too bad!


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