Fearless in the Kitchen
By Christine Cushing
CanBook Distributor - 2002
ISBN: 0670043346

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Fearless in the Kitchen

Bolognese Lasagna

Page 124

(1 review)


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8th February 2009

Alison from Stratford, ON

I really like this recipe as it is a nice take on lasagna, and it is the one I make the most now. It doesn't have much cheese, just the parmesan in the sauce (and only a little), but is quite creamy and tasty, you don't miss it. We have pureed the meat sauce a bit and added a little tomato paste to it as it can be a bit runny and separate. We did that the last time and it was the best one we've made. Also, best to use 2% milk, skim doesn't thicken well with the bechemel (adding to my previous lasagna's runniness I presume).

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