Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook
By Tessa Kiros
Andrews McMeel Publishing - 2007
ISBN: 0740769715

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Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook

Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook: member book reviews (Single Review Display)

(2 reviews)
17th November 2009


I don't actually own this book, but have taken it out from the library twice to see if I should buy it. I don't think I will. I find the light grey font very annoying to read and I'm not crazy about how it is organized--by colour. I'm sure that makes me a bore, but I prefer to search through sections by food types and the colour organization feels too random.

There were very few recipes I wanted to try and have only tried one to date. A lot are just too simple to be considered recipes--yogurt and fruit, for example. Perhaps my block against the book is the organization? I will take it out from the library again, I'm sure, but I'm not sure it's worth spending the money on to own.


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