The Harney & Sons Guide to Tea
By Michael Harney
Penguin Press HC, The - 2008
ISBN: 1594201382

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The Harney & Sons Guide to Tea

The Harney & Sons Guide to Tea: member book reviews

(1 review)
23rd January 2011

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

This is not a cookbook and there are not recipes. But if you are a tea lover and want to learn more about tea, it is an amazing book. It also does not have pictures of tea plantations. It was really interesting to learn how the tea is picked and cured. I cleared up some common misconceptions I had about tea. I used this book to learn where the tea I like comes from, what kinds of tea I like and suggestions for new ones that I haven't tried yet. Also I wanted to taste the components of my favorite tea blends to understand what I liked about them. The author also sells tea and you can buy and try some very specifically grown and processed teas. If you love tea and want to learn more about its complexities, I recommend this book.


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