aj12754's Profile

From: Montclair, NJ USA

Joined: November 22nd, 2009

About me: I can't be the only person who starts thinking about what to cook next while I am doing the dishes for the meal I just finished eating ... right?

Favorite cookbook: I flirt with all of them. But I am a sucker for good writing and great pictures.

Favorite recipe: Pretty much any combo of good bread and great cheese.

Latest review:

June 20th, 2020

Slow-Roasted Tomatoes from One Good Dish

A dish that could not be simpler to make, and absolutely delicious. Topped the cooled tomato with a room temperature slice of mozzarella drizzled with EVOO and some ribbons of basil. A real treat. read more >

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aj12754's Reviews

Search Reviews:

1 recipe(s) reviewed. Showing 1 to 1Sort by: Title | Date | Rating

How to Roast a Lamb: New Greek Classic Cooking

By Michael Psilakis, Barbara Kafka
Little, Brown and Company - 2009

21st October 2013

Chickpea Spread : page 194

This is a really nice and full of flavour spread that is an interesting change of pace from hummus, combining chickpea confit (recipe also in this book), sun-dried tomatoes, onions, shallots, cumin, basil, EVOO and lemon juice -- you can make it chunkier or smooth as you prefer.

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