The Ducks Guts' Profile

From: Melbourne, Vic Australia

Joined: March 26th, 2010

About me: Just in case my mother finds this website, I don't buy all my cookbooks new. A lot are second hand from garage sales and op shops. One of my favorites is a 1960's high school cookbook from Malaysia bought from a garage sale. I use to love the Time-Life Good Cook series and the Food of the World series, but I haven't had a lot of success cooking out of them. They are wonderful to read tho', so they are still in the bookshelves, and not relegated to storage.

Favorite cookbook: Thai Food by David Thompson

Latest review:

August 12th, 2012

Lentil Soup from A Month in Marrakesh

A good plain soup which made a large potful. I made it with water, not stock, and it still worked, which is always a good sign. read more >

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The Ducks Guts' Reviews

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Website: Best Recipes

With husband retiring, and going back to work full-time myself, he has taken on cooking dinner at night. So, not so many reviews from the Ducks Guts in the future. However, he doesn't bake, and I have discovered I can't always face breakfast, or I am running late, so I needed something I could have in the freezer, didn't have too many fats or sugars and I could eat politely and quickly at my desk. This cake fits all the requirements, except possibly the sugar. It has a lot of natural sugar from the dried fruit, so it is still too sweet, but I"ll work on that. Very quickly made in the food processor, and bakes quicker then the suggested times, about 1/2 to 3/4 hour at 150 C, but my oven is a quick oven so I always drop the recommended temperature.
It is more like a pudding, but still manageable in slices. I don't like sultanas so I use mostly prunes, which meant I could cut out the oil, except for a genorous dollop to oil the tin. Generously fills a 20cm ring tin, or a small square slice tin. Freezes well.

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