Linking recipes
  • When reviewing a recipe that is both in a cookbook and on a blog by the same author, how does one link both the book and the blog?
  • Are you trying to avoid rating the same recipe twice on Cookbooker, or making sure that the recipe page links to the copy of the recipe on the blog?

    I've considered putting a field in each recipe review which links to a copy of the recipe if it exists online somewhere. But this may not be what you're asking about, is it?
  • This is what I'm asking, Andrew. It seems silly to rate the same recipe twice and it would be nice to be able to link recipes which appear both in a cookbook and online.
  • When I review recipes from Fine Cooking, which often appear on their website as well, I put the link in the body of the review. I think the addition of field for adding links would be a "nice to have".

    More generally -- if I know the recipe exists in more than one place (e.g. a recent recipe by Melissa Clark that appears both in her cookbook and in the new NYT cookbook by Amanda Hesser) -- I try to mention the other sources for the recipe in the body of the review.

    If I found a recipe in a magazine's compilation issue (and Fine Cooking as a boatload of these), I try to include the issue # where the recipe originally appeared as well a link to the online version if it is available. I find it worth the little bit of additional effort at the time of the review since it means that later I can easily get my hands on the recipe when I want to make it again.
  • In such cases I actually always post two reviews, though I mark both of them as a crosspost with a link to the other review. I thought about just placing a link to the website in the body of the review. However, this has the disadvantage that the recipe isn't easily found - you won't find that review when you're browsing the website-section of Cookbooker looking for a recipe that you can access immedeately without having to own a specific book/magazine issue.
    I'd also like to see a field for one or two links per recipe, and as an extra bonus I think it would be great if the review then also appeared automatcally in the Cookbooker's website-section.
  • Adding a links field should be straightforward; I'll put that on the near term list and try to get it working soon. Automatically cross-posting the review to the website listing is a lot more challenging, however. I'll put my thinking cap on for that one and see what I come up with. Maybe there will be some sort of a magic button that you can click...
  • Apologies if these issues have already been addressed on the forum but I couldn't find the information: a member added a link to one of my reviews and asked a question. I tried to reply in the comment section of the "add link" option but that comment didn't it because I didn't fill in the "link URL" space? If that's a requirement, then how do I go about replying to the member?

    Also, I didn't receive notification that a link had been added as I do when a comment has been added (I just happened to take a look at the review and noticed it) - where do I go to find this information?

    Thanks for your help!
  • Oh sorry, Zosia - I should have also added a comment.
    That just looked so delicious, I had to know if my good friend Google could find the recipe for me. But I don't know the answer to your question.
  • No problem, Queezle Sister, I'm such a newbie here I haven't a clue as to all of the options offered by the site and am just beginning to explore it....

    In answer to your question, apart from the modifications to the glaze (the blogger's recipe sounds tastier!), that is the recipe.
  • I never anticipated that people would be adding links and questions at the same time. QS, it would have been better to post that link in the comments area, as the links area is just for links to the original or similar recipes online, but not for commentary. I don't want comments to be scattered all over the place or people won't find them.

    You can always delete that link and put your question (and link) in the comments under the recipe.
  • Andrew, thanks for clarification on the first part, but my second question hasn't been addressed. Do I assume then, that a member would not know that a link has been added to one of their reviews by another unless a comment is left for them as well?

    thank you
  • Hi - I moved my comment (associated with the link) to the comment section.
    I was wondering, though, what you envision the "chatter" link to contain, and how it might differ from the "comments"?
  • Sorry Zosia - forgot about that part. No, we have not added links to the notifications feed, and I don't think we will. The links are not added to your reviews, unlike comments, but rather are added to the recipe as a whole, so they're not directly connected to an individual review.

    QS: I'm going to get rid of the chatter link. The comments seem to suffice as a place where people can talk about reviews. I had though there might be general discussion of the recipe itself, but it doesn't look like people are using it this way, so best to prune it and keep the options simple.
  • Thanks Andrew, I have a better understanding of how the links are to be used.

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