Website: Smitten Kitchen

Tomato and Corn Pie


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(4 reviews)


Recipe Review

17th April 2011

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

This pie bursting with fresh tomato and corn and a contrasting crispy flaky crust tasted delicious. The smell of the fresh corn was noticeable while baking. I did skin and seed the tomatoes throwing in a third as my tomatoes were only medium large. I still had trouble with a watery bottom; parts of the bottom crust seemed to have dissolved. One possible solution would be to sprinkle flour with the tomatoes and corn, but that might take away from the freshness of the tomatoes and corn and hide somewhat the lovely bursts of flavor from the cheddar and lemon mayonnaise. I would probably opt to roll the top crust thicker and skip the bottom crust altogether.

(2) useful  


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