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Appetite for Reduction: 125 Fast and Filling Low-Fat Vegan Recipes

Smoky Tempeh and Greens Stew

Page 254

(1 review)

Tags: greens soup tomato vegan stew tempeh smoked paprika

Recipe Review

1st September 2011

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

I did not think this was going to be as good as it was but wow, it was delicious. I think leaving it on the stove for an hour after it was done while I made biscuits contributed to the rich flavour that resulted.

The recipe called for 4 teaspoons of smoked paprika and I thought that was too much so I used 2 teaspoons of smoked and 2 teaspoons of regular paprika. I think it was the right decision. I also subbed a small can of plain tomato sauce in place of crushed tomatoes which I didn't have and added a bit more veggie stock. I left out the lima beans.

The resulting soupy stew had a deep, smokey, tomato flavour and lots of greens. I think this is the first tempeh recipe I've given five stars.

(3) useful  


calicokitten - 5th November 2011
Lee, how do you get smoked paprika? Is it something they sell in stores?


Leeka - 5th November 2011
Hi Rachel,

Yes, it's sold in the spice section. It may not be as common as some other spices but I found it in a large grocery store. It has a very strong, distinctive smell and flavour. It's been a bit of an acquired taste for me to be used sparingly.


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