Website: Smitten Kitchen

Lemony Zucchini Goat Cheese Pizza


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Appetizers

(3 reviews)
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Recipe Review

4th May 2011

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

The lemony zucchini with slivers of basil hiding underneath and laying on top of a creamy layer of goat cheese mixed with lemon juice was very different from most pizzas in a very fresh tasting way. I made and used half of a batch of whole wheat pizza dough made in my bread machine. It would have been easier to brush the olive oil on top of the zucchini, rather than try to drizzle it and have great blobs on oil in just a few places, and then sprinkle the additional lemon juice on top. I do think that having a thin layer of oil and some coarse salt on top is critical for the success of this pizza. I did use Meyer lemon, but like conventional lemons just as well. This was a fun, quick recipe that was so delicious, there was just not enough of it.

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