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Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

Pistachio and Rosewater Cookies

Page 233

| Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)

Tags: cookie pistachio rose water

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23rd July 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

I've had my eye on these since I bought this cookbook two years ago. I finally had some pistachios and decided to jump on top of these. They were amazing! Very chewy, packed with flavour, and with beautiful, sweet, crunchy chopped green pistachios on top.

I made a few subs, but nothing that changed the essence of it's pistachio-rose water awesomeness. I used arrowroot instead of cornstarch, lemon juice and zest instead of lime, nutmeg instead of cardamom, and coconut milk (So Delicious, not the can stuff) instead of rice milk.

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