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Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar: 100 Dairy-Free Recipes for Everyone's Favorite Treats

Peanut Butter Chocolate Pillows

Page 147

| Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(3 reviews)


Recipe Review

6th July 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

Any cookie that tastes like what I imagine an edible pillow would taste like gets five stars from me. These are quite labour intensive so plan for some extra time if you want to make these bad boys. Or better yet get a friend or two over for a vegan baking party! Someone can roll the peanut butter balls and someone can roll the chocolate dough around them, like a little vegan factory.

The results for all your efforts are a deliously soft peanut butter center with a chewy chocolate cookie cover.

(3) useful  


Leeka - 6th July 2011
Oh man, I am seriously drooling at the thought of those cookies. Great description!
I made peanut butter chocolate brownies the other night but left them in the oven a little too long and ruined them to the point where I couldn't review the recipe.


Jayme - 7th July 2011
Mmm, where was the recipe from? I love anything with peanut butter and chocolate in it. Too bad about the over-baking though!


Leeka - 7th July 2011
It was from Robin Robertson's Vegan Planet.

One recipe I can definitely recommend is the Chocolate Peanut butter cups from Alicia Silverstone's Kind Diet. Now those are really yummy!


Jayme - 7th July 2011
Hmm, i don't have either of those books. But a look through vegan baking brought up some choclate peanut butter bars, cupcakes, and a no-bake pie! So many things to bake, so little room in my tummy. :(


Leeka - 7th July 2011
Heh, I have plenty of room in my tummy! If I get ambitious, the next time I make the peanut butter cups I'll enter the ingredients for you.


Jayme - 8th July 2011


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