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Dutch Oven Cooking: with International Dutch Oven Society Champion Terry Lewis

Coffee Cake

Page 40

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)

Tags: cake grilling dutch oven

Recipe Review

27th July 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

I did a veganized version of this with Ener-G eggs and a silken tofu sour cream I made. The flavour was great. I loved the layor of sugar and nuts inside the cake. Very clever. The recipe called for this to be made in a greased dutch oven, but I still had major sticking problems. I would use parchment paper to line it next time. Also, by the time the middle of the cake was cooked through, the outside was a little overdone.

(2) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 28th July 2011
Yay - another dutch oven person! Getting the cooking time just right on the dutch oven is tricky in my experience. This sounds great.


Jayme - 28th July 2011
This was my first ever dutch oven recipe! I am vey excited to try more stuff in it.


Queezle_Sister - 28th July 2011
I think there is a real need for a healthy dutch oven cookbook. Most are filled with recipes that call for 1 lb bacon, butter, a dozen eggs, and 1 lb cheese, maybe some potatoes. You are so creative veganizing recipes, we should collaborate!


Jayme - 28th July 2011
You're so right! This is definitely NOT a healthy cookbook. Even the stuff you think is going to be healthy, like stew, have a pound of beef or bacon and sour cream in it. I'm always up for sharing tips and ideas if you want to have some fun with your oven! Maybe you should be the one to write the Healthy Dutch Oven Cookbook!

Luckily, I bought this for the ideas more than the recipes. i wasn't really sure what to do with my new little dutch oven and this has really helped. i never would have thought to do pizza, pie, lasagna, or cinnamon rolls in it! I'm super excited. I'll probably only do one or two more recipes from this book til I get the hang of the oven.


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