Fearless in the Kitchen
By Christine Cushing
CanBook Distributor - 2002
ISBN: 0670043346

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Fearless in the Kitchen

Pumpkin Amaretti Ravioli

Page 148

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

8th February 2009

Alison from Stratford, ON

This is an excellent recipe and relatively easy to make. I have made my own pasta, but in a pinch, won ton wrappers work well. I also have never used the amaretti (hard to find in Stratford) and like it without. I also make my own roasted pumpkin for the filling. We have skipped the pancetta when making for vegetarian friends. The sauce takes a bit to reduce, and I always have had lots of filling left over - which is fine as it freezes very well, making the next time you make them even faster. I advise freezing in cubes. One batch of sauce has done me many meals.

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