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Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen: Capturing the Vibrant flavors of a World-Class Cuisine

Picadillo-Stuffed Japenos

Page 104

Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Appetizers

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

29th May 2012

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

A great use of a surplus of Jalapenos from our CSA. With leftover chicken it the refrigerator, it was easy to whip up. The batter was quite unusual, but with freezing the stuffed jalapenos and the thick batter, none of them lost their filling in the frying process. They were enjoyed. For those who like things low fat, I wished I had noticed earlier that if you add vinegar to the boiling liquid in preparing the jalapenos, you don't have to fry them that also saves a lot of time.

(1) useful  


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