How To Eat In
By Adam Byatt
Bantam Press - 2010
ISBN: 059306464X

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How To Eat In

Whole Roast Pork Belly with English Braeburn Apples and Polenta

Page 120

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses

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Tags: pork apples roast meat with fruit pork with fruit pork belly pork with apples roast pork

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17th September 2012

friederike from Berlin,

It was extremely delicious - but you'll have to like it, and not eat too much too quickly, as it is really fatty. But then again, hey, what did you expect, it's pork belly! We were slightly disappointed that we didn't manage to get a really good crust; not even when we placed it under the grill today (day 2). Yet, in the end, it was still very delicious without.

I'm also not too sure what to think of the apples - they were nice, yes, but they felt more like a side dish as they only touched the pork belly once everything was plated and served - not that that necessarily is a bad thing. Also, the sugar that was sprinkled on top of the apples didn't really caramelize, not that that was a surprise - you can better sprinkle it around the apples to make that happen.

We didn't make the polenta but opted for traditional choice, plain boiled potatoes. I was glad to have the salad, as the very flavourful dressing provided for a sauce the pork didn't deliver. If I'd serve this with polenta I would definitely make sure to make a sauce for it!

Served with Pumpkin with Rosemary on Rocket with a Plum Vinaigrette, with Elderflower Sorbet and Blueberry Ice Cream as a dessert.

(edited 12th October 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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