By Anya van der Wetering
Uitgeverij Snor - 2011
ISBN: 9789079961078

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Chicorysoup with Salmon / Witlofsoep met zalmsnippers van Bianca

Page 1108

Cuisine: Dutch/Belgian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)

Tags: salmon soup chicory

Recipe Review

9th November 2012

friederike from Berlin,

I'll admit I took a gamble with this soup, and I lost. I mainly chose this soup because I was curious how chicory would taste as a soup, and I guess 'curious' is also the best description I can find for the result.

The main problem is that it is bitter, and little else; where in other recipes you add honey to add some sweetness, or you braise it to neutralize the bitterness, there is nothing to counteract it in this recipe. You might try to save it by braising it instead of cooking, but it might be slightly bitter even then, and I'm not sure you really want to add sugar or honey to this dish...
Well, it was worth a gamble...

(1) useful  


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