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Roast Chicken And Other Stories
By Simon Hopkinson
Hyperion - 2007
ISBN: 1401308627

Roast Chicken and Other Stories (Ebury Paperback Cookery)

creamed aubergine

Page 20

| Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


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20th April 2010

weaponxgirl from norwich,

this was a good side dish but i did have a couple of niggles. the first being that if id left the aubergines in the oven to roast for as long as i was told i would have been left with ash. My oven is a brute though so it might work for others. the second thing i might change is that if you want to eat the aubergines on the same day id roast the garlic before adding as it was just too imposing a flavour on the first day although a night in the fridge did wonders for the flavour. It was very nice with lamb like he suggested.

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