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Roast Chicken and Other Stories (Ebury Paperback Cookery)

Recent Reviews

Cold spinach with crème fraîche, garlic, and black pepper reviewed by wester

22nd June 2012

Excellent. Fresh, creamy, garlicky, lemony. And easy to make too. Even frozen spinach will work.
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Grilled breast of chicken with Provençal vegetables and aïoli reviewed by wester

13th September 2011

Quite simple and as festive as you want to make it. I thought the aubergine responded best to the grilling, and the fennel was brilliant with the aïoli. The onions, peppers and courgettes were nice, but not as great as the others. Next time, I will use...
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Saffron cream dressing reviewed by wester

5th August 2011

Very nice. Lovely egg-yolk yellow, and a subtle flavor. I did find the mustard taste too strong, so next time I'll halve that. I served it with salmon, which was good.
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creamed aubergine reviewed by weaponxgirl

20th April 2010

this was a good side dish but i did have a couple of niggles. the first being that if id left the aubergines in the oven to roast for as long as i was told i would have been left with ash. My oven is a brute though so it might work for others. the second...
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