Website: Bakerella

Halloween Cake Pops


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

26th April 2010

JustLaura from , CO

I made the pumpkins in the Halloween (Trick-or-Treat) series of cake pops. These are absolutely adorable but much more so when Bakerella makes them than me. I enjoyed making them and learned a lot and I think that the next attempt will be much more successful. I will watch the consistency of the cake when I'm mixing in the frosting (as she recommends) to make sure it stays sticky and not add too much cake. I had a very hard time finding the edible markers and had several that were dry (even though they were just purchased) so test your materials first! Learn from me!

I will definitely make them again and have filed all of her cute CUTE cake pops so I will have many different ones to chose from.

(edited 26th April 2010) (0) comment (1) useful  

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