Mein Landrezept
Magazine (Germany)

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Mein Landrezept

March, 2014

Garlic Cloves in Olive Oil / Knoblauchzehen in Öl

Page 111

| Course Type: Condiments

(1 review)

Tags: garlic preserve

Recipe Review

23rd July 2014

friederike from Berlin,

What were they thinking? I made this recipe, which basically consists in filling jars with garlic cloves and herbs and salt, then pouring olive oil over it. And that's it.

Half an hour later I happened to come across a website that warned that you shouldn't conserve garlic in only oil, without cooking, and if you do, you need to keep it in the fridge and consume in four days or less, because otherwise you'll risk a case of botulism. To be on the safe side, I then checked several other websites, including the one of the Dutch Food Authorities, and well, why doesn't the recipe mention this? What is more, the recipe only mentions to store the garlic 'in a cool place' (which I would take to mean the pantry, if I had one), and that it's ready to eat after two days. They definitely weren't edible after four days, they tasted exactly what you'd expect raw garlic to taste like.

Admittedly, the recipe contains a lot of salt, which might help to prevent botulism - but then you'll have wisecracks like me, who made a salt-less version for her MIL, and a low-salt version just in case, and who only realized hours later why that amount of salt might actually have been necessary...

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