By Jane Grigson
Grub Street Cookery - 2008
ISBN: 190494387X

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Other edition(s)

Good Things (At Table)
By Jane Grigson
Bison Books - 2006
ISBN: 0803259719

Good Things
By Jane Grigson
Folio Society - 2009


Chicory in Cream Sauce

Page 173

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


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24th August 2014

Sovay from Northern England,

Not my favourite vegetable but this worked well and was a good accompaniment to plainly-cooked chicken.

One comment though - who on earth has a frying pan big enough to accommodate 12 heads of chicory, halved and the halves arranged in a single layer (or for that matter, a stove big enough to accommodate such a pan)? My medium-sized pan was just big enough for my two heads.

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