By Jane Grigson
Grub Street Cookery - 2008
ISBN: 190494387X

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Chicory in Cream Sauce 1
Beans with Cream and Celery 1

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Beans with Cream and Celery reviewed by Sovay

24th August 2014

This tasted fine but the method of cooking the beans didn't work for me. They were to be boiled (after soaking) uncovered in just enough water to reach the top of the beans, so that when cooked most of the water would be gone, but I found they simply...
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Chicory in Cream Sauce reviewed by Sovay

24th August 2014

Not my favourite vegetable but this worked well and was a good accompaniment to plainly-cooked chicken. One comment though - who on earth has a frying pan big enough to accommodate 12 heads of chicory, halved and the halves arranged in a single layer...
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