Geometry of Pasta
Boxtree - 2000
ISBN: 0752227882

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Geometry of Pasta

Maccheroni alla Chitarra con Tartufo dei Poveri

Page 158

Cuisine: Italian

(1 review)


Recipe Review

14th November 2014


An interesting sauce wherein the ingredients (mushrooms, olives, anchovies, and chili flakes) are ground together in the food processor. The whole mass is fried in olive oil while the pasta cooks.

- Having no chitarra to cut the pasta, I made some regular tagliatelle, using Whole Wheat Pasta since I thought the earthy taste would go will with the shrooms. It did, but I think narrower pasta, fettucine maybe, would have been better.
- The sauce is fried in 4tbl of olive oil. I think a smidge less might be fine.

- 3+, Ed said, maybe not quite a 4.

(0) useful  


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