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Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But Doable) Animal-Free Recipes for Entertaining and Everyday

Baked Mac and Cheeze

Page 189

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(3 reviews)

Tags: pasta Mains Mac&cheese

Recipe Review

2nd September 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

I'm giving this five stars even though it's super unhealthy and there are other mac and cheese recipes I like just as much but with out all the fat! I thought this was a beautiful, mild, creamy sauce. I subbed in ketchuo for tomato paste, not the same, but whatever, it worked. Since this was already so unhealthy I added slices of Tofurky beer sausage to it, reminiscent of my baked mac&cheese with hotdog pieces from childhood. I also really liked her idea to bake them into individual bowls. So cute! The crunchy breadcrumbs on top were great too. My muffin top loved this recipe!

(1) useful  


Leeka - 5th September 2011
I bet it was good with the sausage. You're making me want to try this again.


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