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Junior League Centennial Cookbook

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Spicy Shrimp Spaghetti 1
Salsicce con Peperoni e Pasta 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Spicy Shrimp Spaghetti reviewed by Wildcat Fan

29th September 2010

This is very good; has good flavor and is pretty easy to make. My daughter has made this numerous times and is always a hit with the family. She does leave out the black olives and it is still very good. For myself, I would like them in it.
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Salsicce con Peperoni e Pasta reviewed by Wildcat Fan

29th September 2010

This was okay, but I was disappointed because it didn't have a lot of flavor It was so pretty with the red and green peppers, but it needs more spice than listed in the ingredients. Perhaps taking the sausage out of the casing would also help spread...
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