By Ceri Hadda
Simon & Schuster - 1995
ISBN: 067186436X

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CUPCAKES: member book reviews

(1 review)
29th January 2010

Cooksbakesbooks from Lincoln, NE

This is an excellent book to get always-reliable recipes from. There are no decorating suggestions--this was published before the big cupcake craze of the mid-Aughts. I have tried many recipes from this book, and they are all stellar: Dutch apple crunch cakes, Blueberry crumb cakes, Maple-walnut cupcakes, Gold cupcakes, Blackberry jam cupcakes, Mocha cupcakes, Zucchini cupcakes, Orange-banana cupcakes, Banana-nut cupcakes, Marzipan cupcakes, Peanut butter cupcakes, etc. There is a large selection of frostings and fillings, and all I have tried have been very good.

I have many fabulous cake books, but when I want to make cupcakes, I often turn to this book. The small format is convenient to use, and the recipes have never failed me.


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