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The Zuni Cafe Cookbook: A Compendium of Recipes and Cooking Lessons from San Francisco's Beloved Restaurant

Farrotto with Dried Porcini

Page 199

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


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2nd January 2011

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

After the excesses of the holidays, I was looking through Zuni for something healthy to make and this really filled the bill for two reasons -- (1) I love farro and (2) I happened to have all the ingredients in the house so no need to dig the car out of the snowbank.

It was very simple to make (saute a small amount of onion, garlic, sage, and dried porcinis, then add farro and some chicken stock over about a 20-30 minute peiod -- basically a farro risotto but without the addition of any cheese). It is served with a drizzle of olive oil and a few grinds of the pepper mill (my husband said that the pepper really makes the dish and I think he is on to something there). The flavor is simple and rustic but we loved it --- perfect for a winter's eve.

I did find that it took closer to 40-45 minutes rather than the 20-30 minutes mentioned in the recipe.

The recipe can be made with either dried or fresh porcinis and if you have leftovers -- about two cups (we had a little less) -- p. 200 gives a recipe for turning those leftovers into soup.

Served with a light, dry French red and a small salad of peeled and sliced clementines, shaved fennel, a few candied pecans, and a sherry vinaigrette.

(edited 2nd January 2011) (0) comment (2) useful  

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