Website: New York Times - Dining and Wine

Caramelized Onion and Cabbage Tart


Cuisine: French | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(1 review)


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30th January 2011

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

This was a very interesting tart. I'd maybe give a little more than 3 stars to it, but not quite 4. I'm always a fan of tarts with onion and gruyere, and this one follows in a grand tradition. I did find, however, that the cabbage (we used a savoy) was a little sour tasting compared to the sweetness of the onion and the creamy, slightly nutty gruyere.

I wonder if a different type of cabbage would improve it - or even a different cooking style. I've had lovely braised red cabbage, which took as long as good caramelized onions to cook, and I bet would be excellent in this. As it is, the cabbage is only cooked for 15 minutes or so, and keeps the cabbage flavour I find a little off-putting. Though I'm also not a brussels sprout fan, so this could be quite a personal taste.

The yeasted tart crust was okay, but I'd prefer my default tart crust, which is a rich, crumbly butter crust. This one got a little bready underneath, and softened so that leftovers were a bit chewy.

It is worth a little experimentation, though. It has promise.

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