Not Your Mother's Casseroles
By Faith Durand
Harvard Common Press - 2011
ISBN: 1558324844

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Not Your Mother's Casseroles

Baked Oatmeal with Raisins and Pecans

Page 22

| Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch

(2 reviews)


Recipe Review

22nd February 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

This is an interesting alternative approach to making oatmeal. The result was a pretty dry - I think it needs more milk, or to be tightly covered, to produce a creamy product. Also it very quickly hardens as it cools, making eating its leftovers less appealing.But I liked the addition of nutmeg!

I generally make oatmeal (with tofu) in my microwave - but this requires a close eye, and lots of short cooking, and still often results in a mess. With tweaking, I could see this as a viable alternative cooking approach.

Update: After 2 more tests, and comparison to microwave oatmeal, I stick with my 2 stars. I'm disappointed that this is either dry or mushy, and never approaches the light texture (with defined flakes) I can achieve in the microwave.

(1) useful  


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