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Pure Simple Cooking: Effortless Meals Every Day

Seared Tuna with Avocado Salsa

Page 76

(1 review)

Tags: salsa lime avocado tuna grilled fish

Recipe Review

25th July 2015

friederike from Berlin,

The avocado salsa was nice, but not terribly exciting; the tuna was nice, but that had nothing to do with the recipe, as it was simply grilled; the two of them combined nicely, but here's the thing: there's not much more you can do than this. Any tweaking of the salsa, making it more exciting in whichever way, would automatically mean that the salsa will overshadow the tuna. And honestly, given the price we paid for the tuna, I don't think this was good enough. I'm wondering which fish we could use instead, to bring it down to weekday supper level.

Served with Fresh Corn Cakes, which wasn't very convincing either, but combined well enough.

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