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Chocolate Pudding Cake III


(1 review)


Recipe Review

3rd May 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

I'm forever in search of the perfect chocolate pudding cake. These things feel like my life - they look like a disaster, until at the end it all comes together. You make a thick batter, sprinkle sugar and cocoa on top, then pour on boiling water. The result is a cake floating in a small sea of hot chocolate pudding.

This recipe differed from Chocolate Pudding Cake II in that it took one extra T oil (3T), and it included 1/4 C chocolate chips.

I always make a big mistake when making this dish. The cocoa is to be divided between the cake and the topping, but in my giddy haste, I add it all the the cake, and then spend 10 minutes trying to pull out half of it. So always, the cake has too much cocoa. This time was no exception.

Still not perfection, but sometimes its all about the journey.

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