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How to Cook Everything : Vegetarian Cooking
By Mark Bittman, Alan Witschonke
Wiley - 2003
ISBN: 076452514X

How to cook everything vegetarian
By Mark Bittman
John Wiley & Sons - 2007
ISBN: 9780764524837

How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food

Peanut Sauce, Curry Variation

Page 795

Cuisine: Asian | Course Type: Sauces/Gravies

(1 review)

Tags: sauce curry peanut

Recipe Review

26th July 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

This came out a touch too think and oily, but was easily fixed. Flavour was amazing, the curry and ginger really pumped up the peanut sauce. I served this underneath some deep-fried plantains and the sweetness really went well with this sauce.

(2) useful  


Leeka - 27th July 2011
Mmmmmm, sounds like an awesome combination!


Jayme - 28th July 2011
I let the plantain get really dark like you said and it was so sweet and delicious!


Leeka - 28th July 2011
I know! It's almost like candy isn't it?


Jayme - 28th July 2011
Definitely! I fried one up that was still green too, but I didn't like it much. Bittman has a few recipes that call for green plantains and ripe ones, so I'm excited to experiment more with them!

On a totally different topic, my grocery store had scotch bonnets! So I'm totally going to try some more Caribbean dishes with the real deal. Excited face!


Leeka - 29th July 2011
Great! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

I recently found an Asian grocer and can't wait to check it out. You're lucky to be in Vancouver.


Jayme - 29th July 2011
Really? I'm always depressed with the produce I can find here. And all the fun stuff is really expensive. Maybe I'm just a whiner though, but that's the way it always seems. I think of America as the land of cheap food. But I do have 74 Asian grocery stores, so I'll give you that!


Leeka - 30th July 2011
You know, I think you might be right about the produce. I lived in Vancouver for a while many years ago and I seem to remember thinking that I couldn't get good produce in the grocery store. But my memory could be faulty.


Jayme - 30th July 2011
It depends on the grocery store, but your memory isn't faulty.


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