By Susanna Tee
Parragon Publishing - 2005
ISBN: 1405452471

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Melon, Chorizo and Artichoke Salad

Page 20

Cuisine: Spanish/Portugese | Course Type: Salads

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Tags: melon salad chorizo artichokes

Recipe Reviews

18th September 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Slightly disappointed. We had expected this salad to be good enough for a birthday party and only prepared it advance once to check if tinned artichokes would be good enough, and now I'm really glad we tested it. It's not much of a salad. You have large chunks of melon, of artichokes and especially (and far too many) of Chorizo, and that's it. The dressing has no effect whatsoever, and because the pieces are so large, and the three main ingredients so different from one another, it doesn't really "come together as a dish". I tried chopping them up slightly more and serving less Chorizo, which helped a bit but not enough. It's a pity...

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