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Olive: 101 Quick-fix Dishes (Olive Magazine)

Grilled Salmon with Lemon Courgettes

Page 134

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: potatoes salmon grilled salmon with fish fat fish courgette online recipe supermarket fish

Recipe Review

26th March 2010

friederike from Berlin,

Ah, another variant on the 'grilled salmon steak with vegetables and potato'-theme; see my Grilled Salmon with Watercress Cream Sauce for more on that. This one was extremely delicious - the best one so far!

It did have two deficits, though - you won't need 2 courgettes for 2 people, 1 or 1 1/2 are enough, and it took us more than 3 minutes to cook the courgettes, 20 minutes or so was more realistic. That's not really a problem, though, as long as you know it. The moment you've set the potatoes to cook, begin with slicing the courgettes and start frying them immediately. Then you'll have a great dinner ready in 20-25 min total cooking time.

Crosspost. I found out that this recipe was published online. I crossposted my review here.

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