The Bread Bible
By Rose Levy Beranbaum
W.W. Norton & Co. - 2003
ISBN: 0393057941

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The Bread Bible

Sweet Potato Loaf

Page 276

| Course Type: Breads

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14th August 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This bread is so delicious, I actually cook sweet potatoes just to make it. It’s light and airy but has a tight, though soft, crumb that makes it perfect for sandwiches. It doesn’t taste like the tuber, but it is slightly sweet and it gets its pretty golden colour from the potato.

The only drawback of this recipe is the time involved…it not only starts with a sponge that needs to ferment, but the dough requires 2 periods of proofing before it’s even shaped, and, this dough rises very slowly.

I usually make buns to be enjoyed with burgers or in sandwiches. The latest batch was used for these turkey sandwiches.

(edited 14th August 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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