By Anya van der Wetering
Uitgeverij Snor - 2011
ISBN: 9789079961078

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Abrahams Mustard Soup / Abrahams mosterdsoep van Paul

Page 1127

Cuisine: Dutch/Belgian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)

Tags: soup mustard

Recipe Reviews

11th November 2012

friederike from Berlin,

I liked it; DH complained that the recipes used too much Roux, making the soup very heavy. Also, and I have to admint he is right here, it tasted slightly sour, which I think it due to the mustard; we had added an extra tablespoon of mustard to make the flavour more pronounced, but maybe we shouldn't have done that.

Other than that, we decided to fry the leeks instead of adding them raw, used slightly less flour, and skipped cooking the soup for ten minutes - it seemed thick enough.

As you're not adding an ingredient that is a very obvious flavour-giving main ingredient, remember to use a good quality stock, you will notice the difference. Also don't add too much salt until you have added the bacon.

As all of the recipes so far, this one was simple, and very easy to prepare. I think it has potential to develop into a refined soup if you tweak it here and there - less roux, perhaps more cream, less leeks and bacon, and possibly replace some mustard with mustard powder?

Fun fact:
The title is a slightly silly pun on a Dutch expression: "to know where Abraham gets/buys mustard" (weten waar Abraham de mosterd haalt) is a common way of saying that that person is an expert in a specific area.

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