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The frugal fish: 300 delicious recipes for all seasons

Salmon or Tuna with Macaroni and Mushrooms

Page 183

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

30th December 2012


Very tasty. Kind of a 60s experience with pasta and canned tuna and a creamy sauce baked in the oven. Still good, though. :-)

I half a recipe that says it serve 6. It served 2 fine, not overgenerously.

After the onion and garlic are softened in butter, the recipe says to gradually add the milk, stirring constantly until the mixture is thickened and smooth. It's as if some flour had been previously stirred in, but there's none in the ingredient list or in the instructions. In the end, I added some potato starch to thicken it up a bit.

I baked in individual square casseroles (4", I guess).

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