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Olive: 101 Quick-fix Dishes (Olive Magazine)

Pineapple with Lime and Chilli Syrup

Page 206

| Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)

Tags: lime pineapple fruit dessert chilli tropical dessert chilli in dessert

Recipe Review

17th March 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Very nice. The syrup was really delicious on it's own, but I was less impressed by the pineapple in combination with the syrup. I'm not quite sure if the pineapple wasn't that good a match, or it wasn't as tasty, or should have marinated a few hours in the syrup - I suspect that it's definitely marinating, and it might not have been a brilliant fruit.

Edited 28 March 2013:
We've made this dessert a few times since - you can see that we've become bored with local fruit (or lack thereof) and can't wait for summer to come!

Marinating unfortunately doesn't help, but having a good pineapple does! What I hadn't mentioned in the review above is that the lime was clearly present, but the chilli was not. Today I used three small dried chillies, and that worked. It was quite hot; I didn't mind it, but DH (who normally eats hotter stuff than I do) objected that in a dessert, you would want to have sweetness with a bit of spiciness, not the other way around. Two small dried chillies would probably be the way to go.

Also be careful, as the syrup will be a lot stickier when cooled down than when warm - something I always seem to forget...

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