Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook
By Tessa Kiros
Andrews McMeel Publishing - 2007
ISBN: 0740769715

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Apples for Jam: A Colorful Cookbook

White Loaf with Honey, Butter and Pecans

Page 247

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2nd July 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This felt like a cheater’s sticky bun…it certainly was an easy way to make a quick treat with ingredients I had on hand.

A blend of butter, honey and pecans formed a sweet topping that was applied to a loaf of bread and baked. You do need an unsliced loaf of bread that gets sliced horizontally to start – the author suggests her white bread recipe but I had a loaf ofthis whole wheat challah in the freezer.

Warm from the oven, it did taste very much like a sticky bun though much less sweet. Once cooled, the bread base was crispy and chewy and with the sweet, nutty topping, was still very good.

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