Pizza Italiana
By Marieluise Christl-Licosa
Graefe und Unzer Verlag - 1998
ISBN: 3774214565

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Pizza Italiana

Pizza Dough

Page 8

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: basics pizza pizza dough friday night dry yeast

Recipe Reviews

14th August 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Although I had promised myself not to make any other pizza dough other than this one, I couldn't resist. The dough was actually pretty nice, easy to handle and produced a beautiful result.

The only minor point of criticism is that there's a fault in the quantity: the amount of water needed is given as 3/16 l (equals 187,5 ml); you'll get to use first 2 tbsp/30 ml, then later on 1/8 l / 125 ml, which leaves another 2 tbsp unaccounted for. But really, that's peanuts (as long as everybody does the calculations before adding the second part). I also think they might have caught this mistake if they had used ml instead of litres.

Used with this Pizza alle Uova. I made a double batch of pizza dough, so we'll have the other half tomorrow using tomato sauce, prosciutto, figs, rocket, sage, and a bit of mozzarella and parmesan (not too much!).

(edited 16th October 2013) (0) comment (1) useful  

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