Website: Smitten Kitchen

Breakfast Apple Granola Crisp


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch

(3 reviews)


Recipe Review

17th April 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

This crisp, with my homemade yogurt, makes a very nice breakfast. I used unsweetened coconut and a lovely locally produced honey. The flavor is nice, and for me, not too sweet. I think it could use a bit more cinnamon on the apples.

Deb cautioned that the topping might get too brown, so I kept my eyes on it. Indeed, after 30 minutes (of the 45 minute baking time) it was rather brown. I covered it lightly with foil, and removed the foil for the final 5 minutes. The result was a perfect and evenly browned top.

Why a rating of 3? Its good, just didn't knock my socks off. But if you are looking for a breakfast alternative, this could be a great choice.

(1) useful  


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