By Ceri Hadda
Simon & Schuster - 1995
ISBN: 067186436X

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Cocoa Frosting

Page 225

| Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

9th June 2010


This is an excellent chocolate flavored frosting. I use regular- not Dutch- cocoa, and I follow the method as written- mix confectioners sugar and cocoa, then add milk and vanilla. Lastly, you add unsalted butter and mix until creamy. I do sometimes add a tablespoon of boiling water at the end (not in recipe) if frosting is too dry and not creamy enough.
I usually make this recipe non dairy and use coffee rich- a non dairy creamer and margarine instead of the milk and butter. You could also use prepared strong liquid coffee and substitute that for the milk, for a mocha flavor. Anyway, it is a really good frosting and it does generously cover the twelve cupcakes that the recipe claims it does. This is so much better than those ready to spread frostings on the supermarket shelf- and it is pretty easy, so it is worth making!

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