Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Penguin UK - 1993
ISBN: 0140469494

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Other edition(s)

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Michael Joseph Ltd - 1992
ISBN: 0718135776

Real Fast Food: 350 Recipes Ready-to-Eat in 30 Minutes
By Nigel Slater, Nigella Lawson
Overlook TP - 2008
ISBN: 1590201159

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Overlook TP - 2003
ISBN: 1585674370

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Penguin Books Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 0141029803

Real Fast Food: 350 Recipes Ready-to-Eat in 30 Minutes
By Nigel Slater
Overlook Hardcover - 1996
ISBN: 0879516429

Real Fast Food

Grilled Salmon with Basil Butter

Page 74

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: basil tomato butter cod dried tomatoes flavoured butter

Single Review Display

9th March 2015

friederike from Berlin,

Quite okay, but it very much depends on what you serve it with. The first night, we served it with runner beans and potatoes. The basil butter went very well with the salmon and the beans, but the combination with the potatoes didn't work that well - it felt as if it lacked a sauce. The second night, we substituted the potatoes for tagliatelle - this definitely was an improvement.

We still had about a third of the basil butter left over, so two days or so later, we fried cod and oven-dried some small tomatoes with olive oil and oregano, and served this with the basil buttered tagliatelle - really, really nice!

(edited 1st August 2017) (0) comment (1) useful  

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