Delightful Thai Cooking
By Eng Tie Ang
Ambrosia Pubns - 1991
ISBN: 0962781045

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Delightful Thai Cooking

Cabbage Salad—Salad Galam

Page 50

Cuisine: Thai | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)


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23rd July 2015


A really good salad. Very pretty to serve the layers of veg in a glass bowl.
- I made a half recipe, using all 2 cups of cabbage. (I had a small green cabbage. This wasn't a third of the cabbage. They must have mini cabbages to get 2 cups from a whole one.)
- Buzzed the dressing, including dried shrimp and coarsely chopped garlic, with my staff mixer.
- Measured short on the sugar.
- Used cashews instead of peanuts.
- No coriander to be had for several weeks now, so skipped that.
Very tasty.

(edited 23rd July 2015) (0) comment (0) useful  

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