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Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But Doable) Animal-Free Recipes for Entertaining and Everyday

Spicy Tomato Chickpea Soup

Page 181

| Course Type: Soups and Stews

(3 reviews)

Tags: tomatoes soups soup chickpeas vegan

Recipe Reviews

19th August 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

I used a can of plum tomatoes instead of diced. Don't think it matters much since they're blended anyway. And I also used red onion. The chickpeas really add a lot of flavour to this soup. It kind of tastes like a spicy tomato soupy hummus. And I say that with love.

(edited 19th August 2011) (1) comment (1) useful  

12th June 2011

SelahWrites from St. Petersburg, FL

Reminiscent of canned soup from my childhood, this would be perfect with a toasted cheeze sandwich for a quick lunch.

(0) comment (2) useful  

21st November 2009

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

Tangy, spicy goodness and very easy to prepare. Next time I will double the recipe because it made less than expected and I like to have soup ready to go in the fridge for a few days.

ETA: I left out the chili flakes and subbed paprika so it would suit my daughter's palate. The experiment was successful. I also stirred in a spoonful of sugar at the end.

(edited 12th March 2012) (0) comment (2) useful  

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