Reza's Indian Spice
By Reza Mahammad
Quadrille Publishing - 2012
ISBN: 9781849491419

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Reza's Indian Spice

Black Pepper Chicken

Page 98

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

16th March 2020


I made a halfish recipe of this. It was tasty, but the recipe seems very badly written/edited.
- Should cardamon seeds be measured/ground with the pods or extracted from the pods? (I put in four pods and ground them all.)
- Ground cinnamon is included with the spices to be ground, while ground turmeric is included with the next stuff for the marinade. Why?
- Whole black peppercorns are included with the spices for cooking the chicken. Some of those were still pretty crunchy when served.
- Slit green chiles are added at the end of the cooking, just before cooking. What do these add? (I didn't add them.)
Still, it was tasty, nicely spicy from all the black pepper. :-)

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