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Oriental Cook Book (Kitchen Library)

Curried Crab

Page 77

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

14th December 2020


This turned out pretty good, but the recipe is a mess.
- The picture shows a reddish curry; instead it was yellowish (turmeric, nothing red involved).
- Whole spices are added (fenugreek seeds and peppercorns) with ground ones. They should have been ground.
- The recipe wants you to make coconut milk from scratch.
- The total liquid (coconut milk, yogurt, milk-milk) would give you soup rather than a curry. I cut all this back and still have some mixed yogurt-milk to use in the next days.

Not sure this cookbook is going to be a keeper. (It was a gift.)

(The page number is not a page number, but a recipe number.)

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